BPH Symptom Score

How severe are your BPH symptoms?

The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire was developed by the American Urological Association to measure the severity of your BPH symptoms. Your score is not meant to provide medical advice or replace your doctor's expert opinion and care. Only your doctor, or one of our board-certified urologists can diagnose whether you have BPH and assess your individual condition. There are other conditions that can cause urinary symptoms besides BPH.

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(708) 888-8AUS

Download our free BPH Booklet by clicking the image above.

Download our free Bladder Diary by clicking the image above.

Finding the best BPH treatment for each patient, based on their life and  diagnosis, comfort levels and needs, Is one reason the Board-Certified Urologists at Associated Urological Specialists (AUS) are some of the best in the entire midwest. They lead the area in most Centers of Excellence. Which means they can provide patients some of the widest and most effective range of BPH treatment options in the world.

Make an appointment today. We are committed to being the top BPH treatment center throughout Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana and the entire midwest.